I have been fortunate enough to have received 3 bottles of the much anticipated V~351 from Transformations Labs a month before it was released to the public. And, their was good reason for all the hype! This stuff is fabulous! It really works fast and has helped to bring my transition to the next level!
In the 2 months of using these capsules I have found:
~ Markedly softer skin.
~ Softer appearance.
~ Tighter, more compact muscle structure.
~ Rounder, fuller bottom.
~ Much thinner facial hair.
~ My breasts have remained the same but from years of using Transformations Labs, they are well formed already.
~ Sweeter more natural vocal intonation.
~ My submissive nature & submissive bottom sexual desires are much more pronounced with a huge decrease in erections and zero morning erections.
~ My mental state is much more calm, quiet and comfortable than EVER in my life. I can feel my hormones regulating far further than ever before. My body just does not produce enough estrogen and because of that imbalance my mental well being never seemed balanced - UNTIL THESE PAST MONTHS!